BATU EMPEDU berulah, perut bisa mulas. Maag kumat, perut bisa mulas dan sebah. Masuk angin dan diare, perut juga dapat muneg-muneg. Banyak pasal yang dapat membuat perut terasa mulas dan muneg-muneg.
Dalam bahasa medis mulas perut disebut kolik. Tanda serangan penyakit ini adalah munculnya rasa nyeri di bagian usus dan sekitarnya. Oh ya, saat wanita datang haid kadang juga disertai perut mulas. Menyusui terlalu banyak dapat pula memicu perut mulas.
Gangguan kesehatan ini bisa datang tiba-tiba dan membuat nafsu makan menurun. Ditandai dengan usus yang seolah-olah bergerak dan selalu bersuara.
Seringkali buang air besar dan kadang disertai kentut yang berbau busuk. Serangan ini dapat berkurang setelah penderita dapat muntah.
Terapi herbal apa saja yang dapat digunakan? Banyak bahan alami dapat dipakai untuk menyembuhkan kolik. Antara lain kencur, jahe, kedaung, mengkudu, sembung, pati aren, batang gayam dan akar camcao batang.
Bila menggunakan kedaung, sangrai 8 biji kedaung hingga hangus, lalu digiling halus, seduh dengan setengah gelas air matang panas, tambah 1 sdm madu, aduk sampai rata dan hasilnya diminum sekaligus.
Atau gunakan 5 jari akar camcao batang, dicuci dan dipotong-potong seperlunya, rebus dengan 3 gelas air hingga tinggal separuhnya. Setelah dingin disaring, minum hasilnya 2-3 kali sehari.
Ramuan berikut juga dapat menyembuhkan perut mulas. Bahannya terdiri 1/2 ggm beluntas, 1/4 ggm legundi, 1/5 ggm galing kerbau, 1.4 ggm lombok rawit dan 3 jr gula aren. Seluruh bahan direbus dengan 3 gelas air bersih hingga tinggal dua gelas,. Setelah dingin disaring, hasilnya diminum 3 kali sehari. (Jbo)
31 Maret 2008
Banyak Jenis Herba Atasi Perut Mulas
26 Maret 2008
Tips Mengkilapkan Daun Aglaonema
Membuat daun aglaonema lebih licin dan mengkilap biasanya sering dilakukan hobiis atau kolekteor apabila aglaonemanya akan diikutsertakan dalam kontes tanaman hias. Beberapa bahan yang bisa digunakan untuk mengkilapkan daun aglaonema adalah air, leaf-shine, susu dan ampas kelapa. Berikut ini merupakan tips mengkilapkan daun aglaonema berdasarkan bahan-bahan tadi:
- Mengelap dengan air dan spon atau kain bersih
- Menyemprot dengan Leaf-shine
- Mengoleskan susu
- Menaburkan Ampas Kelapa
Tips mengkilapkan daun aglaonema ini dipersembahkan oleh Redaksi AgroMedia dalam buku Pesona Aglaonema Indonesia. Dalam buku ini, Redaksi Agromedia juga menampilkan tips perawatan Aglaonema ala tujuh kolektor. Di antaranya: Greg Hambali, Dr. Purbo Djojokusumo, Taty Suroyo, Harry Setiawan, Songgo Tjahaja, Firman Anugerah dan Toni Soetrisno.
25 Maret 2008
Fighting Plant Enemies!
The devices and implements used for fighting plant enemies are of two sorts:
- those used to afford mechanical protection to the plants;
- those used to apply insecticides and fungicides.
Of the first the most useful is the covered frame. It consists usually of a wooden box, some eighteen inches to two feet square and about eight high, covered with glass, protecting cloth, mosquito netting or mosquito wire. The first two coverings have, of course, the additional advantage of retaining heat and protecting from cold, making it possible by their use to plant earlier than is otherwise safe. They are used extensively in getting an extra early and safe start with cucumbers, melons and the other vine vegetables.
Simpler devices for protecting newly-set plants, such as tomatoes or cabbage, from the cut-worm, are stiff, tin, cardboard or tar paper collars, which are made several inches high and large enough to be put around the stem and penetrate an inch or so into the soil.
For applying poison powders, the home gardener should supply himself with a powder gun. If one must be restricted to a single implement, however, it will be best to get one of the hand-power, compressed-air sprayers. These are used for applying wet sprays, and should be supplied with one of the several forms of mist-making nozzles, the non-cloggable automatic type being the best. For more extensive work a barrel pump, mounted on wheels, will be desirable, but one of the above will do a great deal of work in little time. Extension rods for use in spraying trees and vines may be obtained for either. For operations on a very small scale a good hand-syringe may be used, but as a general thing it will be best to invest a few dollars more and get a small tank sprayer, as this throws a continuous stream or spray and holds a much larger amount of the spraying solution. Whatever type is procured, get a brass machine it will out-wear three or four of those made of cheaper metal, which succumbs very quickly to the, corroding action of the strong poisons and chemicals used in them.
Of implements for harvesting, beside the spade, prong-hoe and spading- fork, very few are used in the small garden, as most of them need not only long rows to be economically used, but horse- power also. The onion harvester attachment for the double wheel hoe, may be used with advantage in loosening onions, beets, turnips, etc., from the soil or for cutting spinach. Running the hand- plow close on either side of carrots, parsnips and other deep-growing vegetables will aid materially in getting them out. For fruit picking, with tall trees, the wire-fingered fruit-picker, secured to the end of a long handle, will be of great assistance, but with the modern method of using low-headed trees it will not be needed.
Another class of garden implements are those used in pruning but where this is attended to properly from the start, a good sharp jack-knife and a pair of pruning shears will easily handle all the work of the kind necessary.
Still another sort of garden device is that used for supporting the plants; such as stakes, trellises, wires, etc. Altogether too little attention usually is given these, as with proper care in storing over winter they will not only last for years, but add greatly to the convenience of cultivation and to the neat appearance of the garden.
As a final word to the intending purchaser of garden tools, I would say: first thoroughly investigate the different sorts available, and when buying, do not forget that a good tool or a well-made machine will be giving you satisfactory use long, long after the price is forgotten, while a poor one is a constant source of discomfort. Get good tools, and take good care of them. And let me repeat that a few dollars a year, judiciously spent, for tools afterward well cared for, will soon give you a very complete set, and add to your garden profit and pleasure.
About The Author
Frank Okorodudu is a regular contributor to so many gardening discussion forums. And the author of the currently most popular gardening ebook:Seasonal Gardening A-Z
17 Maret 2008
4 Steps To A Promising Flower Garden
Flower gardens occur in different styles and assortments, their charm can be dependent to any flower gardener. As someone who takes care of a garden, knowing how to enhance your flower garden can make a big difference in the dealing with beauty and taste and over-all condition of your garden.
Here are 4 easy ways to make your flower garden blossom more:
1. The necessities must always be given major deliberation.
Exactly like with any gardening undertaking, a flower garden must have its sufficient supply of water, light, and rich soil. To be lacking one of these gardening necessities is almost developing the death bed of your flower garden. Irrigate the flower garden more often during dry spells. In addition, make sure that you set the flower bulbs deep enough to allow sufficient room for the rooting.
2. Mix perennials with annuals.
Perennial flower bulbs don't have to be replanted because they grow and bloom for several years while annuals spring up and bloom for only one season. Mixing a few perennials with annuals guarantees that the display goes on with your flower garden.
3. Deadhead to promote more blossoms.
Deadheading is simply clipping off the flower head after it droops. This will cause the plant to grow more and develop more flowers. Just make sure that you don't throw away the deadhead on the garden or mold and other plant disease will assault your plants.
4. Know the beneficial from the bad bugs.
Do you know that nearly all garden bugs do more good than harm? Butterflies, beetles and bees are famous as pollinators. They feed plants through unplanned transport of pollen from one plant to another. And 75% of flowering plants count on them for survival. Why do you believe flowers are that brilliant and beautiful? I’ll bet you thought it was to make mankind more affection of them? It's really to entice more bugs.
Sowbugs and dung beetles both with fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms make the soil more favorable to plants. This is on account they exist on dead materials, breaking down into simpler molecules that feed the soil. These insects are known as decomposers.
Now you don't just chase away insects whenever you see them.
With this info in mind and applied, your flower garden will surely reward you with a breath taking view when it's comes for them to bloom once more.
About The Author
James Ellison's articles are from extensive research on each of his topics. You can learn more of flower garden perennials by visiting:
12 Maret 2008
4 Gardening Lessons Revealed: Planting Methods, Tools, Crop Rotation & Clothing
- Planting Methods:
There are several methods for planting.
- Single Rows: In this method, seeds are sown in rows or lines that are spaced equal distances apart. The distances between the rows and between the seeds within the rows differ from vegetable to vegetable. If you want the rows to be straight, which gives a pleasant appearance to your garden, stretch a string between two stakes and sow the seeds along it. If you think this is too much work, use a stick to mark a line on the ground and try to make the line as straight as possible. With some training, you will get it straight.
- Wide Rows: In wide row planting, seeds are sprinkled at equal spacing in both directions over a wide area. The width of the row varies from 6 to 16 inches. The row's width is limited by your arm's reach to the area in the middle of the row while standing at the edges. We find that wide rows are convenient and productive for peas and beans. In addition to giving high yield per unit area, they cut down on weeds. Wide rows are also good for starting leaf vegetables like lettuce and spinach. When the seedlings emerge, they can be thinned and transplanted elsewhere. Double rows are a special form of wide rows.
- Hills: In hill planting, 3 to 5 seeds are sown close to each other. They need not be sown on a formed hill, as the name implies.
This method is used for example when planting zucchini and cucumbers.
- Gardening Tools:
The choice is yours. The trowel is used for cultivating the weeds, transplanting the seedlings, mixing soil or fertilizers, and filling containers with soil. The steel rake is used to grade the soil and to compact the soil over the seeds. Tomato cages are indispensable for supporting tomato plants. You can also use them to support running plants such as cucumbers and peas. Without them the plants will collapse on the ground and their fruit will get into contact with the soil and eventually decay. A hose or a can is used to water the plants in the garden and within containers.
- Crop Rotation:
- The chances of transmitting diseases and insects to next year's crop are very much reduced. Certain diseases and insects attack certain vegetables. These diseases and insects move from the plants to the soil, where they winter. If the same vegetable is planted in the same spot the following year, the diseases and insects will surface from the soil and attack the new plants once again.
- Each vegetable absorbs trace amounts of specific minerals from the soil. If the same vegetable is planted in the same spot year after year, the minerals the vegetable needs to grow healthy plants will be depleted, resulting in a meagre harvest.
- The roots of legumes (peas and beans) have bacteria that soak up nitrogen from the air and fix it on the roots of the plants and in the soil. To take advantage of the nitrogen they fix in the soil, the legumes should be followed by a leafy vegetable, such as lettuce and or spinach, which both need nitrogen-rich soil. This is one of the techniques organic growers use to grow vegetables without the use of chemical fertilizers. It may be impractical to rotate every crop each year if your garden is small.
- choose disease-resistant vegetable varieties,
- keep your garden clean of rubbish, and
- watch for insects and diseases. If a plant becomes teeming with insects, pick them by hand; if a plant is infected by a disease, pull it from the ground and dispose of it.
- Proper Gardening Clothing:
Also, have special clothes for the garden. If you don't, your ordinary clothes will be soiled no matter how careful you are. To protect your hands and fingernails from collecting dirt, use a good pair of garden gloves. Some are washable and can be reused again and again...
Please feel free to forward a copy of the "Gardening Online Newsletter" to any of your friends and associates.
Happy Gardening,
About The Author
John Parker makes it easy to create beautiful gardens, quickly & easily. Learn the essential keys to lush, vibrant gardens. To receive your free gardening newsletter visit:
11 Maret 2008
Plants And Flowers Can Bring Earth Day Right Into Your Home
April 22nd is Earth Day, a day to celebrate this planet we call home and all the natural beauty it has to offer. Many people celebrate the day by planting a tree or bush or simply by spending the day outside, enjoying the splendor of nature. But, what if you live in a city where nature isn't as abundant as you'd like or if you're just unable to get outdoors to plant a tree or bush? Well, your florist could help you bring a little nature right into your house or apartment, no matter where you live. Better yet, your florist can even help you create or purchase a plant or arrangement that fits your lifestyle, personality, and living space.
Using flowers and plants, you can create looks ranging from the soft and natural to the dramatic and feisty. Here are just a few looks you can achieve:
- Natural Look: Place loose, wispy arrangements in a vase or glass bowl. Flowers may be monochromatic or multicolored.
- Calming: Flowers in shades of blue are proven to have a calming effect on our moods.
- Dramatic Look: If you're not into the more traditional styles, you might be interested in creating a bold, dramatic look using deeply colored blooms in bright orange, fiery red, or brilliant yellow.
- Outdoorsy: If you're a country girl or guy at heart, you might be interested in bringing that outdoors feel inside using arrangements containing seasonal grasses or twigs. The arrangements can be placed in clay pots or baskets to further enhance the feel. If you're looking for a long-lasting way to bring the green of the outdoors into your home, your florist can assist you in picking a potted plant that will flourish in the space you have available. Here are just a few plants you might choose from:
- Philodendron: The philodendron is a large-leafed plant available in red or green and with several different leaf shapes. Philodendrons grow beautifully in bright, indirect light and away from drafts. They are, however, poisonous so you should place them in areas that are not accessible by children or pets.
- Dieffenbachia: These plants are very popular as indoor plants because they grow better indoors than many other types of plants. In fact, they can grow up to four or five feet tall under the right conditions.
- Cactus: The cactus is perfect for the individual with little time to spend caring for plants and limited space. They are extremely hardy and, because the soil should be allowed to thoroughly dry between waterings, they require very little attention.
- Areca Palm: A beautiful plant with a tropical look, the areca palm is available in various sizes from 3 feet all the way up to 10 feet tall. They grow well in bright locations with ample watering.
About The Author
Wesley Berry is the President of Wesley Berry Flowers, a successful multi-million dollar business that was established in 1946. He is also the Headmaster of the Professional Florists' Institute, a floral design school located in Michigan. Visit Wesley Berry Flowers on the web at
05 Maret 2008
5 Most Popular Flowers for your Garden
When planting a garden there are many questions which you must ask yourself before you begin. Where are you going to plant it, do you have the garden equipment to do so and how big do you want your garden to be? When do flowers bloom and what are their heights? These are all very important questions, however they mean very little if you have not yet decided which types of flowers you want to plant. There are many to choose from and don’t le anybody tell you which ones you can and can’t plant. Gardens are unique and fascinating to look at because each one is unique it its own way.
There are endless possibilities of flowers to choose from but if you are unsure of which types of flowers are known to look best in gardens, keep reading and you will find out. The following is a list of the five most popular types of garden flowers chosen by gardeners from all over the United States:
- Cosmos - These flowers have the ability to grow anywhere from 12 inches to 4 feet tall. Cosmos are perfect for cutting gardens and are often picked out of gardens and used in flower arrangements.
- Marigold – Marigolds can be found in yellow, orange, red or a combination of all colors. This type of flower blooms in 45 to 50 days from sowing and very rarely requires additional water than what the rain provides.
- Morning Glory – Morning glories have heart shaped leaves and are available in a variety of colors including white, blue, red, pink and lavender. This type of flower has the capability to become more than ten feet high.
- Zinnia – Zinnias are traditional, old fashioned flowers which are constantly blooming all season. If there is not a lot of rain, this type of flower will require watering on a consistent basis but try to get water on the foliage (leaves) as this can cause mold which can potentially cause the plant to die.
- Sunflowers – There’s no better flower for your garden than the sunflower. Sunflowers have yellowish-orange petal with a black circle in the middle. These flowers can grow to be as tall as 6 feet or possibly even higher depending on the flower itself.
The types of flowers you choose will have a large impact on the overall outcome of your garden. The list above was provided as a guideline for novice gardeners who area unsure of which flowers may be most adaptable to a garden atmosphere.
Which flowers you choose will ultimately be your choice and regardless of the kinds or colors of your flowers, your garden will be a wonderful piece of work for everyone to admire.
04 Maret 2008
Take a quick look at the picture, you will definitely recognize a plant you have seen plenty of times. Aglaonema is one of the most favorite indoor plants, as it grows easily with minimum care and is ideal to even the most inexperienced amateur gardener.
Its name is once more totally Greek and its parts are translated as "aglos: shiny nema: string. Regardless of the Greek origin of its name, aglaonemas come from the tropical forests of south-east Asia, from Thailand and Cambodia to Vietnam and Malaysia. The first time aglaonemas crossed their natural borders was around 1900 when the plant was brought to America and has been cultivated ever since. The first new varieties were developed in the 60s; those varieties led to the plants we know today as aglaonemas. However, new varieties are still being developed in the US mainly, the differences being in the color of its leaves.
Aglaonemas belong to the aroids family, together with spathifyllum, dieffenbachia and philodentron. As its "relatives", it has shiny oval-shaped leaves, with jigged edges, fleshy to the touch and with impressive alternations of various tones of green. Its flowers look like small white callas and they produce a few yellow or red fruits. However, the basic reason for cultivating aglaonemas is their wonderful foliage and not its colors. Depending on the variety, its height can easily reach one meter or over.
03 Maret 2008
Tip Merawat Bibit Anthurium Gelombang Cinta
Tren gelombang cinta mencapai puncaknya pada pertengahan tahun 2007. Antara bulan Agustus sampai pertengahan Oktober 2007, gelombang cinta banyak dicari pemain tanaman hias, terutama bibitnya. Sebanyak apa pun stok gelombang cinta yang dimiliki oleh penjual anthurium selalu habis dibeli.
Tak ayal, harga gelombang cinta pun mengalami kenaikan yang cukup signifikan. Hal ini berimbas tak hanya pada indukan gelombang cinta saja. Melainkan pula pada bibit gelombang cinta. Satu pot bibit gelombang cinta dengan jumlah dua daun harganya mencapai Rp 35.000-Rp 40.000.
Akhir-akhir ini, gelombang cinta ukuran bibit paling laris di pasaran. Mungkin karena harganya yang paling mudah dijangkau oleh masyarakat yang ingin ikut memelihara anthurium.
Dalam perawatannya, gelombang cinta yang masih berukuran bibit tentu membutuhkan perhatian ekstra dibandingkan dengan ukuran remaja atau dewasa. Pasalnya, daya tahan bibit ini masih belum kuat. Kondisi lingkungan dan perawatan yang tidak tepat dapat membuat pertumbuhan bibit terhambat, bahkan mati.
Nah, jika Anda memiliki bibit gelombang cinta, berikut ini kami berikan sedikit tip dalam merawatnya.
Penyiraman sebaiknya dilakukan tiga hari sekali. Bibit anthurium sangat rentan terhadap busuk batang akibat serangan cendawan, terutama pada kelembapan tinggi. Busuk batang dapat menyebabkan bibit roboh dan mati.
Pemupukan sebaiknya tidak dilakukan terhadap bibit anthurium yang baru memiliki 2-3 daun karena kondisi bibit masih belum stabil. Namun bila diperlukan, pemupukan tetap dapat dilakukan asal menggunakan pupuk cair organik sesuai dosis anjuran. Amannya, pada saat membeli pupuk, minta rekomendasi dari penjual tentang jenis pupuk dan tata cara pemupukan yang benar dan aman.
Penyinaran sangat penting untuk menentukan roset tidaknya tanaman. Bibit yang kekurangan cahaya matahari batangnya akan memanjang sehingga susunan daunnya tidak terlihat kompak (roset). Cara mengatasinya, bibit anthurium 2-3 daun dapat dijemur diterik matahari setiap pukul 7.00-8.00 pagi. Selanjutnya, bibit diletakkan di bawah naungan paranet.